Table of Contents
Does stucco contain asbestos?
Homes built between 1930 and 1990 are made with materials that contain asbestos. If you are unsure about the year your property was built. Do you have questions about how to know if there is asbestos in the walls or ceiling? Unfortunately, it is impossible to detect asbestos with a simple glance, you will have to perform a material test that will be analyzed in a certified laboratory. This service is more called the asbestos test the average cost of this service is $500.
Additional information about stucco
What is stucco?
Stucco is a mass-tinted coating, formerly made with lime, it is now made with plaster! It is used to cover ceilings and walls, both inside and outside.
About Stucco
Removing stucco yourself?
Beware of stucco on the wall or ceiling of houses built before the 90s, it is likely that it contains asbestos. It is essential to have the materials analyzed before renovation work.
Tips and tricks to remove stucco easily
How to remove stucco from wall or ceiling?
The best trick to remove stucco is to spray it with hot water and cover it with a polyethylene sheet for a few hours then scrape the stucco off with a scraper.
Démolition stucco
Certains stucs (stucco) ne peuvent pas être gratter de sorte qu'il doit être démoli.
Asbestos popcorn ceiling or stucco

You buy a house and it has a stucco or stucco popcorn ceiling or a wall that contains asbestos.
You sell your house the buyer has hesitated because of a stucco or stucco popcorn wall or ceiling containing asbestos.
Contact us for decontamination.
Popcorn ceiling removal
While many stucco or stucco popcorn ceilings are made with asbestos, some are not.
When a homeowner decides it's finally time to take their popcorn caps off.
The first thing he should do is test for the presence of asbestos.
Although asbestos is harmless when sealed in the ceiling, its can be fatal when disturbed.

Remove stucco or popcorn ceiling
Contractor specializing in asbestos removal and decontamination with an RBQ license.
Call on a professional team to carry out your asbestos removal and asbestos decontamination work.
For commercial and residential project types.
Price for popcorn ceiling removal, stucco
What is the price of a popcorn ceiling asbestos removal or ceiling demolition?
Stucco or stucco containing asbestos prices may vary depending on several factors,
the size, the complexity of the project, the location, the type of residential or commercial project price index,

residential $ 5,000 - $ 25,000
commercial $ 10,000- $ 100,000
The dangers of stucco or (popcorn ceiling) containing asbestos

The biggest downside to stucco or stucco popcorn ceilings is one of the materials often used to make it asbestos.
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral which has been used in many building materials due to its heat resistance and affordability.
However, when an item containing asbestos, such as a popcorn ceiling, is damaged, asbestos dust can escape into the air.
From there, if inhaled, it can potentially cause cancer and diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma.
For this reason, it is even dangerous to remove popcorn caps without the proper safety equipment.

In 2016 in Canada, there were almost 40,000 deaths caused by exposure to asbestos,
and over 34,000 of them were due to lung cancer.
Contact us
We perform all types of asbestos removal and decontamination work before or after the sale of your home.
​Soluplus Inc of Montreal offers you fast and efficient service.
So that you can finalize the sale or purchase of your new properties.

Montreal and the surrounding area
Laval and the surrounding area
Online estimate
No problem, we can help you with your project!
Popcorn ceiling
Ceiling texture
Contact Soluplus Inc of Montreal.
téléphone: 438-994-3598