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Attic mold removal, Montreal

Décontamination moisissure entretoit: estimation gratuite

Les problèmes de moisissure dans les entretoits sont en général causés par un excès d'humidité. Le grenier est l'un des endroits les plus fréquemment infestés de moisissures dans une maison, les combles ont tendance à avoir tous les conditions idéales pour la croissance de moisissure, la chaleur, l'humidité, la noirceur et le bois sont une source de nourriture abondante pour les spores de moisissures noire et blanche. De plus, la plupart des propriétaires ne montent jamais dans leur entretoit, de sorte que le problème de moisissure peut se développer sans être découvert, pendant des mois et même des années.

Expert in mold decontamination in the attic


Mold problems in attics are usually caused by humidity. The attic is one of the most common mold infested places in a home, the attic tends to have all the ideal conditions for mold growth, heat, humidity, darkness and wood are a source of abundant food for molds. Also, most homeowners never go into the attic, so the mold problem can grow undetected, often for months and even years.

​Mold damage can cause different problems to a home or any property. When abnormal humidity is present, microorganisms such as mold multiply, causing structural deterioration and odors.

The solution is the decontamination of mold in your attic, if it is not treated and dried quickly, mold can lead to health problems for the occupants of the building. Have you noticed green or black mold growth somewhere in your business or home? Call 438-994-3598 to find out the price of decontamination in the attic

Soluplus Décontamination évaluation gratuite, besoin de solutions efficace à vos problèmes de moisissures dans entretoit ? Demandez votre estimation en ligne maintenant et obtenez l'élimination de moisissure au grenier !

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À propos de la moisissure dans l’entretoit

Il est courant de rencontrer un problème de moisissure,  lorsque vous vendez votre maison qu'un inspecteur du bâtiment inspecte le grenier et découvre du bois noirci des taches noires ou blanches de moisissure. Essayez notre service d'urgence de décontamination des moisissures dans les entre-toits.

En hiver, toutes les sources d'humidité iront dans le grenier ceux qui ne seront pas évacués par l'aération de l,entretoit se condenseront en fines gouttes d'eau dans votre grenier. Par conséquent, toute faiblesse dans l'étanchéité du grenier, l'isolation du grenier ou la ventilation du grenier provoquera une surcharge d'humidité créant de la moisissure dans l'entretoit

Attic mold removal, price, cost,  free estimate

La décontamination des entre-toits exige un savoir-faire et une bonne agilité, c'est pourquoi il n'est pas recommandé de décontaminer soi-même les moisissures dans le grenier. Remplissez notre formulaire d'estimation en ligne et recevez rapidement l'aide d'un expert et un prix pour la décontamination et l'élimination de moisissure dans le l'entretoit. Pour obtenir des solutions durable à vos problèmes de contamination fongique dans le grenier, vous pouvez communiquer avec nous, pour en savoir plus sur les coûts, les causes et les solutions.

Question about attic mold removal,
What is the cost of mold removal in the attic?

Attic mold removal cost?  Average price for mold remediation for an 800 sq. ft. attic is $1,000 to $2,500. Attic molds price & cost


Do you have allergy symptoms inside your home?

Beware of mold spores!


Contact soluplus Decontamination of Montreal, Quebec to assess your mold problems and provide you with the best plan of action for mold remediation. We eliminate mold and prevent it from moving around your home or office.


We will therefore start by implementing a decontamination protocol to contain the work perimeter so that mold spores do not spread to other rooms.

Cost of mold removal in attic

décontamination moisissures entretoit.jpg

Many people find out about their mold problem right before they sell their home. Buyer's home inspector notices mold after attic inspection  (attic) just before the closing date, causing both buyer and seller to panic, often putting the whole business in jeopardy.

Which leads you to wonder about the cost of decontamination of your attic. What are the mold remediation costs for attics containing mold? Prices for mold treatment in an attic range between $ 800 - $ 5,000. Prices may vary depending on the size of the attic as well as the extent of the contamination.

attic mold remediation procedure

If you detect the presence of mold, contact our attic decontamination specialist to solve your contamination problem.

Although the tests are not compulsory.
An initial assessment of the area's mold and air quality will be made By the mold cleanup company.

To see how she can best clean the site she is working on.


This is where they will determine the initial moisture source and collect the necessary materials.


A professional company will take any mold removal project seriously,


which means that one of the first steps she takes in any building is to seal off the area she is working with.


This keeps the work area separate from other parts of the house,


ensuring your family is away and won't be exposed to additional mold spores.


The common causes of mold problems in the attic?


Mold in the attic is mainly caused by humidity, but how to find the source and where it started? First, you need to ask yourself the following questions,


  1. does my attic have a vapor barrier?

  2. does my attic have a Maximum Roof Ventilator?

  3. do my vent pipes connect to an outside outlet?

  4. is the soffit clogged?

  5. is there a lack of ventilation?

  6. is there water infiltration through the roof?


It is quite possible that the humidity in your attic comes from one of these causes.

Moisissure entretoit

Moisture and water damage are two common causes of mold, it is something that you are likely to come across in your home.


The mold removal company will tackle this type of mold using professional tools used in homes. Professional mold remediation service companies that offer fire damage restoration. Restoring water damage and cleaning up mold damage is a good example, the kind of resources you can expect from a professional service.


Mold Services offers a complete mold reduction process,which not only includes the physical reduction of mold. Such as removing the mold problem from the surface of the wall, bathrooms or a list of other areas. But also the fight against the cause of mold. Moisture and water damage are usually the reasons why mold grows in a household.


The service will be supplemented by air sampling, which should show a reduction in mold spores in the environment.


If you have questions please contact us.

attic mold removal


Mold in the attic can appear for many reasons.


The most common sources are a lack of ventilation, clogging aeration, water infiltration through the roof.


In this case if as you can see in the photo on the left, a damaged ventilation pipe, poorly insulated or poorly connected.


Can create a lot of humidity in the attic of your home in Montreal or any other city.


Humidity and darkness are two important factors in the growth of mold in your attic.


Comment enlever la moisissure dans l'entretoit

Il est facile d'accéder à un entretoit, par contre il est très difficile de se déplacer. Pour éviter d'endommager votre plafond, contaminé votre maison ou de vous blesser il est fortement recommandé de faire appel à un spécialiste de moisissure entretoit qui inspectera votre grenier afin de trouver la cause du problème de moisissure et vous offrira des solutions adaptées à la situation.

How to recognize mold in your attic?

It is easy to check for yourself if your attic is contaminated by fungi. Mold does not attack insulation. A visual inspection of the wooden structure is therefore sufficient to detect black or greenish stains on the plywood panels of the roof.

Les symptômes liés à l'exposition aux moisissures sont variables. Les individus peuvent réagir différemment selon leur niveau d'exposition et leur santé en général. Les principales manifestations sont:

  • irritation des yeux, du nez et de la gorge;

  • écoulement nasal, congestion des sinus, symptômes s’apparentant à ceux du rhume;

  • respiration sifflante;

  • toux;

  • augmentation de la fréquence et de la gravité des crises d’asthme;

  • fatigue chronique, maux de tête.​

Company specializing in mold remediation in Montreal

Do you sell / buy or own a house?

Is there mold on the wood in your attic? Contact us for a rapid mold decontamination of your attics.

calls on professionals uses specialized products for this type of treatment.

Wait no longer stop the spread of mold now with Soluplus Inc. the longer you wait, the more mold will spread in your home.


Get a mold removal quote in the attic in 2 hours!


​ Soluplus attic mold remediation expert at 438-994-3598 or 438-220-2885

Obtenez plus d’information sur la décontamination de moisissures dans un entretoit

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